Arc Fault Device Detectors Deterorated Aged Wiring systems
To help prevent Fires - Arc Fault Detection Devices AFDD's ASNS 3000:2018 2.9.1 2.9.5

AFDD's Are now strongly recommended to be instaled at Switch Boards on all circuits of aged or detororated condition for protection against Fire Hazards.
Typical applications:
Sleeping accomodation
Locations with risk of fire due to the nature of processed or stored materials eg barns, wood-working shops of combustiable materials
In locations of combustable construction materials eg Wooden Buildings
In fire propagting Structures ( ie where the spread of fire would be quick )
Where you consider cables may have a high chance of being compromised from -Nails, scews, faulty or poorly maintained appliances, faulty power outlets, loose connections, faulty power boards, kinks in leads, UV radiation, gnawing animals-
Electrical Arcing can be created in a wiring system through damaged wiring, worn electrical insulation, wires or cords in contact with vibrating metal, stressed or overheated cords or wiring overheating due to thermal insulation being placed over it and damaged electrical appliances.