RJ for Light & Power

Energy Efficient Homes Duped No Double Glazing

Double Glazed Windows  & Sealed  Doors are a must have for Energy Efficency,  Energy Efficienty is Lost Almost Immediatly In Winter Apon Nightfall! ( Do you have lots of Glassed Windows and Doors of  Single Glaze,  Garage Roller Doors that have No Energy Efficency Created Around Them.)

If you have Insulation in the Walls and Ceilings beware You Have  Immediatlely Derate all of Your Installed Electrical Cables Period- To such a much Lesser Current Carring Capacity more than you can believe to be real. Reason because you have laid the Insulation on top of the cables with in the ceiling space  rather than taking your time and  installing them in the pitch (like they having been doing in Europe for years ) and you could have also  have made sure the insulation is not trapped around the cables in the walls so that the cables could vent... Now derated  cables  a cold house in winter !  Oh no suprise here, if your Windows & Doors are not Double Glazed or Sealed  off... I think we have all been duped.
Duped on Polystyrene Insulation as well Yep -In your Walls or Anywhere- Standard cables are not suitable  against Polystyrene.
Most Builders working with you are not aware of the type of insualtion that will be installed. 

Where is the Main Building Contractor in all this one or the Fire Department,  let alone what crazy Insulation that you may install latter. Its not the insultion that will go on fire its the cables, after the rodents gnaw them and created a nest made of foil, paper, cloth. dry materials the list is endless.
Do you Remembers the Metal foil installed into the Attic's... and what could gnaw at your cables... How many house fires did it cause , its all on google for you to read ...do you have metal supports do you have metal pipes running  across metal frames.

You would have to be crazy to install insulation over cables-  Rodent Nests gnawed cables Fire,  Polystyene Degrades Cables Fire

Oh yes you can  can buy special cable for this situation unless you are prepared to pay approimately 5 times more for your cable I think the cheapness of the the Polystyrene will be the most expensive  match you every purchased.

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