RJ for Light & Power

Safety Switches for all Circuits

Safety Switches or RCBO's are now required on all circuits- Update as you Need too, Now!
ASNZS 3000:2018 (c)  (There are some exceptions)

We install Safety Switches / RCBO's The above example shows three circuits protected by a
Safety Switch.

Read Note (c)  below in conjuntion with AS NS 3000:2018 Clause (c) 3.9.72  (Related to cables run through premise, read full chapter to obtain clarity )

To help prevent Fires -Arc Fault Circuit Interupters are strongly recommended to be installed at your Switch Board for circuits where you suspect aged or deterorated cables.

Arc faults could arise from faulty Power Boards,  Faulty Appliances, faulty or aged Power Outlets / Light Switches or where Rodents gnaw at cables causing severe damage.

(Installing insulation in your Roof Space gives Rodents a place to nest. Installing insulation over your existing  Electrical Cables!!! Rodents find there way into the Insulation  gnawing at  cables  as they go... anywhere they go...they  cause Arc Faults are .

Also Installing Insulation over exisiting cables derates the value of the circuits enormously and the cables may over heat, more Arc Faults.

Surge Protectors as required for over voltage.

If  You Cannot Resert Your Safety Switch - Please Call or Text to Book Your Service  Call  0431 576 101 we will respond to your request a.s.a.p.
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