RJ for Light & Power

Equipotential Bonding Arrangements, Earthing & Extraneous Conductive Parts & Your Obligation

Here is a Small  List of Examples of Equipotential Bonding, Earthing & Extraneous Conductive Parts Which Shall Be Earthed / Bonded...

Equipotential Bonding Shall Be Completed as Reference in Section 5 of the ASNZ 3000:2018- Chapter 5
For the Equipotential Bonding of Extraneous Conductive Parts.

Equipotential Bonding is required for situations where materials are abe to be conductive - Steel Sheds, Steel Framing, Metal Linings, Metal Enclosures, Metal Pumbing Fixtures, Hot Water Cyclinders, Light Fittings, Bathrooms Mesh Bonded with in Concrete wall & floor, Showers Mesh Bonded with in Concrete wall & floor. Swimming Pools / Spa's Multipule Bonding Requirements required- Including the installation of the  "Equipotential Bonding Conductor Connection Point" and the running in of the many Earth Conductors to this point.
The Mesh is to be Bonded in Concrete see figure below.
Refer your Builder to the National Construction Code of Australia

Equipotential Bonding to all fixtures and fitings within  1.25 m of the Pool or Spa Conductive fixturers & fitings Equipotential Bonding is to be installed for  all the conductive pipe work, fencing, posts, bonding for  metal footings, bonding for metal windows / door frames, infact bonding for all conductive objects,  including lamp posts within the Classified Zone of  Pools / Spas. up to 1.25 m from edge of Pool/ Spa

Refer to the Classified Zones for the Areas Listed Above. Very detailed Requirements of the Obligations  that have to be completed.

An Additional "Equipotential Bonding Conductor Connection Point" This Requirement will be Required for Swimming Pools / Spa Pools Installed in Existing Homes. The "Equipotential Bonding Conductor Connection Point" is  to be installed adjacent to the Pool  /Spa equipment.  Designed  as per Clause 3.7  This is for localised Testing to Confirm Earthing / Bonding is always Intact and may be Inspected at any time by Authorities to Check the Bonding  Compliance  as  per Section 5 of the ASNZ  3000:2018

Items of Extraneous Conductive Parts to be Equipotentially Bonded - Is an important & extensive  project requirement  for your Pool / Spa installation  These Equipotential Bonding Condutors must perform the job they are designed to do , which is to protect you.

Equipotential Bonding Cables Are to be Installed as per Figure 5.9 above and Must be Tested & Pass Tests as prescibed in Section5 & 8 of ASNZ 3000:2018

Note Well -  No Concrete  is allowed to be Poured or Closing in of Building Materials Until a Pass Result is attained.

Running in of Equipotential Bonding Conductors is Only Allowed by Licenced Qualified Electricians and a Certificate of Compliance Must Be Completed for all Licensed Work Undertaken No Exceptions and the Certificate will be Issued to the Property Owner at the time of any work performed.

IF THE WORK FAILS COMPLILANCE The Certificate of Compliance which you will receive will be issued  to you as "FAILED TEST UNSAFE TO USE" You Will Be Obligated To Ensure Corrections Are Completed Before Another Certificate of Compliance  will be Issued. 

Note Well-   DIY Work is Not Allowed in Australia Period 

All  Mesh will  be left open for connection of Equipotential Bonding Conductors by Electricians.  Inspection & Testing of all conductive parts are to be carried out by the Electricians ensuring  tie wirers  are  continuious  and the correct impedance results are obtained, between all metal parts & fixtures.

Leaving an Earth Outside of the Concrete Poured Area for an Electrician  to connect to with out the Electricial Contractor / Electrician being able to complete there requirements of Bonding & Testing  Is Not Exceptable and will Fail Compliance Immediately

Pour Your Concrete Without The Bonding Being Completed By Licenced Electricians And The Approved Testing ....*No Certificate of Compliance will be given until Electricians complete there work as Prescibed by Chapter 5  Of ASNS 3000:2018

You May Need To Postpone  Your Concrete Pour If Bonding Fails The Test.

Copies of ASNZ 3000:2018 Are available for purchase  by anyone from SAI  Global priced at around $250.00 per copy,

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